Challenge is a world-renowned brand, synonymous with Ambition, Authenticity, Premium, Loyalty, Family and Sport. A circuit of events that travels the world and provides immense promotional value.
Challenge is not just a number of events organised all around the world, it is also a way of living, of feeling, and sharing sport, uniting families through sport.
The DNA of the brand is to enable economic promotion, offering our collaboration and work possibilities to all the related sectors, providing benefits to all of them: institutions, federations, companies, volunteers, tourism, athletes, families, children, and many others.
For the last 3 years, the Challenge Brand has been operating in the Canary Islands, constantly growing, and bringing great value to our society because of its selfless commitment to children. The brand works hard to bring sports closer to children and thus achieve their biggest objective: NO CHILD WITHOUT SPORTS due to lack of resources.
All this is possible thanks to the endless collaborating companies that have placed their trust on the Challenge Brand and to the marketing services offered to these companies in exchange for their collaboration through different signed agreements.
In addition, the big Challenge events which are known and promoted worldwide, help us raise funds to achieve such an important objective.
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